About Our Church
Our Mission
Faithfully Serving Jesus, Reaching out to God's World Together
Who We Are
We are an ELCA Lutheran Church located in South Buffalo, New York, established in 1904. Our ministry is to a diverse, vibrant neighborhood. We have a clothing and food pantry, a building that is in use by community groups such as AA.
There is a weekly Worship and Communion Service each Sunday at 10:30. All who have been baptized are welcome to receive Communion. Our worship service is a blend of traditional and contemporary prayers and music. Uplifiting music is provided by our musicians and includes organ music on one of the finest organs in the area. Christian educaton is provided by an active Sunday School for children starting at 9:00 a.m. before worship. A bible study is provided at 7:00 pm both in person and on Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.
We provide a nurturing ministry to children and youth from baptism through High School. We encourge growth in faith in Jesus and living out that faith in life and community. We provide a two year program to prepare youth for Confirmation and work continuously to provide opportunities for faith building and leadership training. Youth have fun camping at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center . They learn the importance of service and fellowship with other High School aged youth at the National Youth Gathering. We also provide many other fun activities throughout the year.
We are a supporting community, not a perfect community, but humbly we cling to Christ and one another as we grow together and welcome new friends.